Recogniform Reader SDK

Advanced capture for integrators

Recogniform Reader SDK is designed to provide fast and easy integration into Windows software applications, enabling powerful image pre-processing and advanced capture functionalities.

Templates definition is easy, thanks to the Application Designer tool included.

On-demand capture power

Recogniform Reader SDK allows software developers to create applications that extract information from paper or electronic documents. All Recogniform Reader image processing features are included and, with Recogniform Application Designer, the development of the extraction rules is intuitive and easy.

SDK includes OMR engine, for check-boxes recognition. Additional engines for handwritten and printed text recognition, CMC7, E13B, barcode capture and free-form features, are available as optional modules.

Same as Desktop and Workgroup versions, recognition engines’ speed is UNLIMITED: the faster the hardware, faster the recognition.

SDK licensing is royalty-based: every installation requires a license purchase.  

Need more info? We’ll be happy to help you!