Application Designer

Be the owner of the capture process

All Recogniform Reader versions (Desktop, Workgroup and SDK) include Application Designer, the powerful tool that allows to develop recognition templates. 

A template is the set of rules and instructions to capture information from a specific document, or from a class of documents.

The video is a brief overview taken from Recogniform Appliction Designer Tutorial, available in the Tutorial section.

From concept to production in a few steps.

Within the Designer you can develop templates definining any kind of rule, according to the documents you wish to process, using a zonal, or a FREE-FORM approach. Also, you can conditionally enable image pre-processing features, specify cross validation rules, configure information output format, and documents storage instructions. Thanks to Recogniform Application Designer visual interface, even customers with no programming skills can create a template: just map the fields to recognize, set the capture rules, and define output format. 

For advanced processing, a powerful scripting engine is available, in order to deeply customize the software behavior.

The power of customization

Software development is a creative job.

From simple structured surveys to complex free-form contracts or invoices, Recogniform Application Designer will be your perfect ally to extract the data of interest in the most reliable way.

Software development is a creative job. And requires creative tools.

Recogniform Application Designer is INCLUDED
in all Recogniform Reader versions